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想買 Stepwgn, budget 最多係150K

本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 16-3-2011 10:48 編輯

各位ching 好, 我無意中搵到呢個網. 我想買一部stepwgn, 但見D價格同年份可以出入好大. 我想問買水貨有冇問題, 我驚架車係日本玩到殘先過黎, D咪錶俾人做左手腳, 如果要買車, 請問有冇地方好介紹? 謝謝!!
其實你所憂的問題 除非係大昌出0首嗟
否則同樣既野唔係水貨 都係要驚及小心.
香港2手, 都要驚係唔係積木, 有冇大撞.....
地方方面, 商譽好牌頭大既未必可能跟得足少少, 更加未必代表可靠,
不過你一定會因為佢牌 ...
掌摑王 發表於 15-3-2011 06:59

You tell us what type of stepwgn u want .. give us the details, may be some of us interested to sell.
I got a friend, her 2nd hand stepwgn 2.0 (family driver), year 08, full option, changed wheel to 18-19 already, purple in color also want to sell. if u interested, I pass your contact to her.

各位ching 好, 我無意中搵到呢個網. 我想買一部stepwgn, 但見D價格同年份可以出入好大. 我想問買水貨有冇問題, 我驚架車係日本玩到殘先過黎, D咪錶俾人做左手腳, 如果要買車, 請問有冇地方好介紹? 謝謝!! ...
explorerhk 發表於 15-3-2011 00:40
budget150k, i think you can buy year 2006 or before.
You tell us what type of stepwgn u want .. give us the details, may be some of us interested to sell.
I got a friend, her 2nd hand stepwgn 2.0 (family driver), year 08, full option, changed wheel to 1 ...
MosTa 發表於 15-3-2011 09:21
budget150k, i think you can buy year 2006 or before.
dicken 發表於 15-3-2011 15:02
I think the price will go up very soon.........coz JP can't produce any new cars for the next few months, which means no used car can be trade-in.........therefore, no water good to HK.
agree 2005-2006 1800cc
掌摑王 發表於 15-3-2011 15:41
no 1800cc RG wor.....
no 1800cc RG wor.....
sammykwan 發表於 15-3-2011 15:53
budget150k, i think you can buy year 2006 or before.
dicken 發表於 15-3-2011 15:02
06都應該係講緊2.0果批ONLY 2.4應該難D
4# MosTa

Please check PM.
本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 16-3-2011 00:06 編輯


1. 我仲有幾個問題, 我想問forum張相, 左面同右面架stepwgn 唔同樣點解? 係唔係facelift版? 剛剛我樓下有呢2架款, 我睇過佢地2架都係2010年登記, 一樣係2000cc, 我真係唔知佢地唔解唔同.

2. 我見出面好多06/07放緊係無雙電門, 我想問新車買時要加幾多錢先有呢? 如果我買左手動版, 可否出去搵人改電門呢? 如果可以, 要幾多錢到? 改左同原裝差幾遠? 會唔會無咁好"山"呢?

3. 出面唔係好多白色放, 係唔係行貨無白色呢? Spada 與非Spada 有乜分別?

4. 有無計check到水貨車係日本揸左幾多公里? 如果無, 點解各位買左水貨o既ching咁有信心架車係當地無出過事? 你地用乜方法去買水貨車呢? 唔好怪我咁問, 因為我未買過水貨車的, 我買行貨車就會返廠check架車紀錄, 睇佢last入廠同現在差幾多公里, 如果1年唔夠差太遠即係佢日日揸, 機件可能會老化快d, 如果太少,  好似1年得2000-3000公里, 就有機會改錶, 正常呢D車係家庭車幾少用都有5000/6000公里 1年. 如果無事就會上架睇下有冇大撞同積木車, 跟手就俾錢.

5. 我出咁少budget 因為呢架係我second car, 所以唔想invest太多, 我見150K係market都係買到06/07年到, 我想問有冇分前期後期呢D? 仲有倒車LCD Cam &mon, 同客倉LCD Mon 係唔係standard 設備? 仲有乜standard 設備呢?如 Xenon 頭燈之類..

6. 各位買易手 Stepwgn ching, 你地係邊個場買定係私讓買? 我係internet search到x 海藍天好多買水貨車出事case, 有冇ching 奶過野, 可否分享下.

7. 我想問stepwgn 係8座位, 要唔要2仔牌先揸得? 我自己就無所謂, 但我老婆得1字牌.


1. 我仲有幾個問題, 我想問forum張相, 左面同右面架stepwgn 唔同樣點解? 係唔係facelift版? 剛剛我樓下有呢2架款, 我睇過佢地2架都係2010年登記, 一樣係2000cc, 我真係唔知佢地唔解唔同.

2.  ...
explorerhk 發表於 15-3-2011 23:58
1) those ones on the left are RK (latest generation) while those ones on the right are RG (last generation)
2) power sliding door is not an option on new car, and I've never heard any members have added it from any auto shop (even DCH)
The power sliding door was not equiped on very early RG1 (only on early RG3)....then lately on this is equiped on all RG after 2007.
3) hong good has white color, but I think white color RG was not the best selling color in HK. All late RG3 (2.4 engine with CVT) are with Spada body kit, and Spada kit is not an option for RG1.
Left is 2010絕版......海嘯後缺貨...之後推2011版.....
1) those ones on the left are RK (latest generation) while those ones on the right are RG (last generation)
2) power sliding door is not an option on new car, and I've never heard any members have a ...
sammykwan 發表於 16-3-2011 00:16
即係左面係新款, 右面係上一個款? 但點解我係Honda showroom 好似見到買緊右面款o既? 唔通我睇錯?

3) 邊隻color 最好賣同放呢? 係唔係藍色? 因為我見好多呢隻色放緊.

Left is 2010絕版......海嘯後缺貨...之後推2011版.....
MosTa 發表於 16-3-2011 00:33
唔明..即係2011版係右面? 唔好怪我問D低B野, 我對stepwgn 完全係零知識, 從未揸過7人車, 多謝見諒!!