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low mileage is not always the best........even the car is not moving much but it still has 自然損耗(oil, tyre, battery, injection .......).

Some car has very low mileage but they only have service  ...
sammykwan 發表於 23-3-2011 12:37
Agree X 1.

I drove from Sham Tseng  to Wanchai everyday, I ran 65000km since 12/07, I keep check up every 5000km, I can feel my car is in a very good shape. Of course 2nd hand buyer will always consider mileage is main point, but car is for use, not display.
sammykwan 發表於 26-3-2011 10:04
所以我唔太介意個resell value,返正一落地果日就冇左20%la,唔通限住自已每日用幾多咩,閉今日行左100km la, 聽日唔揸得車tim,幾冇引。